The History of Christmas
Christmas is the most delightful time of the year for many of us. According to the Pew Research Center, about 90% of Americans and 95% of Christians celebrate Christmas each year, making it a widely observed holiday centered on many beloved traditions such as decorating our homes and putting up a Christmas tree, baking Christmas desserts, attending church services on Christmas Eve, eating a variety of holiday foods we've been anticipating for years, and exchanging gifts on the big day. The astonishing figures from the Pew Research Center aren't entirely surprising: People appear to begin celebrating the occasion as soon as the leaves begin to change color in the fall.

It's no secret that the holiday season is hectic. So, with all of the hoopla around the holiday, have you ever pondered where it all began? So, we've done the legwork for you and researched the history of Christmas to ensure you have a thorough understanding of its origins. As you may expect, the holiday has evolved significantly since its origins.
This year, you'll have a better understanding of the history of Christmas and a greater appreciation for the most lovely time of the year when you're doing things like putting up your Christmas tree, cooking a Christmas ham for your family, or even singing songs. (Be sure to check out these fun Christmas trivia questions, as well as the history of the Christmas tree and Christmas colors.)
When did Christmas begin?
Christmas as a holiday is thought to have started in the fourth century. But first, let's take a step back. Winter has always been a time of celebration, according to the History Channel, even before the arrival of Jesus. According to the History Channel, "many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight."
The Germans revered the god Oden, while the Norse celebrated Yule. Saturnalia was held on December 25 to commemorate Saturn, the god of agriculture, and Juvenalia was held on December 25 to honor Mithra, the child deity (this was the most sacred holiday for some Romans at the time).
However, when Christianity originally began, Jesus' birth was not commemorated; instead, Easter was the most important event. Although the Bible does not give a definite birth date for Jesus, it was widely assumed that he was born on January 6, not December 25. The Juvenalia holiday was still in effect on that date.

All of that changed in the fourth century, when Pope Julius I designated December 25 as the official date for Christians to commemorate Jesus' birth. What is the reason for the change? The reasons for this are still discussed, but it is widely assumed that December 25 was chosen to maximize the possibility that Christians around the world would adopt the festival over pagan traditions that were already being observed at the time.
By 432, Christmas had made its way to Egypt, and by the Middle Ages, the practice of celebrating Christmas had spread over the globe, displacing pagan celebrations, and it would continue to do so in the years to come. Christ's birth was commemorated on December 25, and the Feast of the Epiphany was observed on January 6, marking the arrival of the wise men in Bethlehem and their discovery of Jesus in the manger. (The interval between the two dates became known as the Twelve Days of Christmas.)
Religious changes were gaining traction during the 17th century, and they had an impact on how people celebrated Christmas. Christmas was abolished by Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans, and it was not reinstated until Charles II ascended to the throne. Christmas was forbidden in Boston from 1659 to 1681 because the Pilgrims did not bring it with them when they arrived in 1620. Because Americans refused to embrace anything British after the American Revolution, Christmas was not declared a federal holiday in the United States until June 26, 1870.
Americans would go on to embrace and update the Christmas traditions brought to the country by immigrants, such as the Dutch families who celebrated the now-famous Saint Nicholas, as well as welcome new traditions from abroad, such as the Christmas tree, transforming the holiday into what we know and love today.
Why do we call it Christmas?
The answer isn't quite as complicated as you would believe. Christmas is a combination of the words "Christ" and "mass," according to Newsweek.
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